This is the Journal Quilt for May using the theme "In other words". The quotation "A Good Book" is by Milton and is from the Everyman series of books that I used for recent Ledbury piece. I found a rather lovely scrap of printed fabric in the style of William Morris which was perfect for this piece. The illuminated letter A has a stenciled background and reverse appliqued on top of red silk. The reverse A has the letters appliqued over the top. The edges are free machined with a buttonhole type stitch. These shapes are taken from Japanese calligraphy. My friend and Japanese embroiderer Jackie Hall, was given an old early 19th century screen with exquisite embroidery on it. The back was even more interesting for me as it was lined with pages of Japanese calligraphy. The script may be called grass script and the writing might have been lists of gifts given.
The garden is the perfect place to do some sun printing. I've been using setacolour transparent paints, foliage and flowers and some Indian wooden blocks. One is a trident shape or trishula - I'm not sure what the others are but the shapes are very pleasing. I will use one of the prints for my next Journal quilt. The cotton fabric is painted quickly and place on a plastic covered board. The objects are placed quickly on the wet paint. pastel background with pale print Weavers Gallery, Church Lane, Ledbury, HR8 1DW
Ledbury Poetry Fesitival launches on Friday 5th July and once again Weavers Gallery is hosting a themed exhibition to coincide with this. 'The Beauty of Books' is an exhibition of stitched textiles either inspired by or in the form of books. It has proved to be an inspiring theme with a delightful variety of imaginative work on show. It is open every day until 14th July from 10am-5pm and I do hope you will be able to visit. |
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June 2022